Terms of Use


The contents of these pages are provided as an information guide only. They are intended to enhance public access to information about services available to widowed persons. While every effort is made in preparing material for publication no responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect. Although every effort is made to ensure the reliability of listed sites this cannot be taken as an endorsement of these sites. If you have a specific legal query relating to matters raised on this site you should get detailed legal advice.


The material featured on this site is copyright of Widow.ie. The material may be downloaded free to file or printer for personal use only. Where this material is being issued to others, the source including URL and copyright status must be acknowledged.

The permission to reproduce copyright material does not extend to any material on this site or to which this site links, which may be the property of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned

Fraud on the Internet

The Internet is not a secure system and you should always be cautious about the information which you provide online. While interacting with this Widow.ie web-site and its Forum you will not be asked to reveal your personal or bank account details. There are many other web sites offering a money advice service, some on a fee paying/commission basis. Care should be exercised when using any web site which seek your personal information. Always be alert to the dangers of “phishing” For more details on protecting your personal data please see www.makeitsecure.ie


Widow.ie asks that you do not reveal your full name, address or phone number on the forum. It is intended as an area where widowed people can share experiences etc., anonymously.

There are many other support groups through which widowed people meet securely.

Widow.ie is NOT an organization, club, charity, counselling service or other type of entity with a presence anywhere other than the Internet.