Group Bereavement Counselling AdVIC June 2018 Dublin & Limerick


Last Updated on June 23, 2018

AdVIC Supporting Irish Families

AdVIC is an Irish charity that advocates for victims of homicide while also providing support for families. Since 2009, Homicide Bereavement Support Groups have taken place alternatively in Dublin, Cork or Limerick.

If you are struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one due to homicide or fatal assault, AdVIC have announced their June bereavement counselling group.

Bereavement group counselling aims to provide emotional support and a safe space for individuals/families to meet other people who have experienced similar experiences and loss of a loved one by homicide or fatal assault.

The 10 week support groups will be facilitated by a qualified counsellor who will guide and support you in this process.

Group Counselling Locations

Dublin – Wisdom Centre, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.
Starting Monday June 11th 7-9pm

Limerick – Pery’s Hotel, Glentworth Street, Limerick.
Starting Thursday June 14th 7-9pm

Contact Details

Please contact Marie Percival Tel: 087 3148363 for further details
OR send an email to

Website: AdVIC



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